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BEFORE YOU WATCH: Macartney’s Expedition and the Global Economy

Use the "Three Close Reads" approach as you watch the video below.

Before you watch

Before you watch the video, it’s a good idea to open and skim the video transcript. And always read the questions below so you know what to look and listen for as you watch.

While you watch

  1. Why was Portsmouth important?
  2. Where was the economic center of the world at the end of the eighteenth century?
  3. Why were Europeans more interested in trade with China than the Chinese were in trade with Europe?
  4. What roles did European powers in the Indian Ocean (other than Britain) play in the global economy?
  5. Why did Lord Macartney travel to China?
  6. Did Macartney succeed? Why or why not?

After you watch

  1. To what extent does this video explain how industrialization changed the modes and locations of production from 1750 to 1900?
  2. Based on this video, do you think China or Britain had the stronger economy in 1793? Which would you predict would go on to be the economic powerhouse of the nineteenth century? Why?
  3. How were British and Chinese society similar in 1793? How were they different?
Now that you know what to look for, it’s time to watch. Remember to return to these questions once you’ve finished watching.

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